Our Services

ACR Travel Flight Bookings Flight Bookings

The “knowledge of flying” is not just about the best airline we offer, it’s the best Affordable and Competitive airfares offer that we promise to match with our Reliable , friendly and efficient service. ACR International Travel & Tours is a full IATA accredited and TCF licensed travel agent.

ACR Travel Cruise Bookings Cruise Bookings

Palm fringed beaches, magnificent coast lines, lush blue seas, the unsurpassed style and elegance in cruising and a luxury experience that we can recommend and offer. ACR Cruise Reservations is part of the Jetset/NAITA group.

ACR Travel Rail BookingsRail Bookings

Travelling by rail provides you with many a choices, rail tickets or pass, first class or second, high speed service or a scenic journey or an overnight service. We can help you plan this holiday!

ACR Travel Hotel Bookings Hotel Bookings

Everyone deserves the best of accommodation on holidays so we will strive to provide this tranquil oasis of hotel information once again through our vast array services at the most attractive price made available to you.

ACR Travel Tours Tours

Our own specialized tours listed on this website is an international brand in the tourism arena that bags a panel of expert and enthusiastic team always at your disposal to advise you on an efficient action plan tour that will suit your needs for any occasion and budget. We welcome you to our special brand of tours.

ACR Travel Car Hire Car Hire

We offer a variety of our service providers and will ensure the best offer for your car hire be it in Australia or elsewhere in the world.